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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Best Acceptance Speech Ever!

Despite losing out on Oscar, Mickey Rourkes speech from the Independent Spirit Awards was fantastic!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lesbian Vampire Killers!

This actually looks quite good, perhaps it has more than just a snappy title going for it...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Streetfighter: Even Kids Can Do It!

With many of us looking forward to StreetFighter IV, some toddlers are already getting some practice in, with one in particular getting to grips with Zangief....

Even I've never pulled that move before!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Sopranos: Every Swear Word, Ever!

Every swear word, every episode, ever single one of them! One word: Awesome!

the sopranos, uncensored. from victor solomon on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Seagal Ruled!

Have been on Steven Seagal kick recently and yeah his recent straight to DVD crapola is not good, but in the late 80's and 90's he made some pretty excellent and just straight up entertaining movies! "Nico: Above the Law", "Marked for Death", "Hard to Kill" and the "Under Siege" series are all emminently watchable. However, "Out for Justice" is just so much fun, Seagal on top form, William Forsythe playing a total scumbag but a memorable one at that, parts of the movie being in Sicilian, loads of violence (especially the bar scenes), and loads of now famous faces popping up! If you are a action movie fan at all, then this is a must see!

"Anybody knows why Richie did Boby Luh-po?"

Monday, February 02, 2009

Blu-Ray: Suspiria Update

Further to my earlier news about a BD version of Suspiria, there is now a listing over at and indeed it looks like this already stunning looking film is getting a HiDef makeover. More news when I get it!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

GI JOE: Teaser Trailer

A few hours in advance of the GI Joe trailer being shown during the Superbowl, here is a sneak preview. Despite my worry of this being a total disaster and childhood being raped yadda yadda, this actually looks ok, but a longer trailer will give a better impression! I'm glad Christoper Ecclestone's Destro is actually using a Scottish accent!