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Friday, February 17, 2006

Euro Horror on the Big Screen: A Disappointment!

It was with great expectation that I headed off to Glasgow's only Arthouse cinema, the GFT on Tuesday night to see their presentation of "The Night Evelyn came out the Grave". A trashy cult Euro classic directed by Emilio Miraglia, one that I've avoided picking up on DVD due to NoShame's imminent Killer Queen Box Set. It was to be something very different this Valentines Day, different being an understatement!

To my surprise the cinema was more or less full, a virtual sell out. I was impressed that word had got out about this being shown. The ads came to an end and it was then I noticed the projector on the ceiling and I sat wondering when that was ever used. I was about to find out.

Perhaps naively, I thought they might have acquired a print of the film from Italy, but no it seemed they had decided to use either the diabolical Sinema Diablo or Eclectic DVD releases, both equally horrendous looking enough on regular Tv's but even worse blown up via a projector. I'm sure a member of the audience could have supplied a better DVD from their own collections. More pain was heaped upon us though as my brother said:

"Are you sure this is in Italian?"; Hilarious English dubbing ensued!

However, the audience took this in good humour and this spooky giallo became an unintentional comedy with hilarity in all the wrong places. I'm sure rewatching this next month on the pristine I'm sure print from NoShame in Italian will result in a better experience, but I'll never forget my first Emilio Miraglia film on the big screen!


  1. I didn't get a chance to make it to the screening, and now that I've read your account I'm actually fairly glad I didn't go. I would far rather watch the Italian uncut, widescreen DVD at home than watch one of the grimy black market releases stretched out on the big screen. What a huge disappointment!

  2. I didn't get a chance to make it to the screening, and now that I've read your account I'm actually fairly glad I didn't go. I would far rather watch the Italian uncut, widescreen DVD at home than watch one of the grimy black market releases stretched out on the big screen. What a huge disappointment!
