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Friday, March 31, 2006

Update: 3 Dev Adam

From Bill at Onar Films:

"Whatever can go wrong, WILL go wrong", says one of Murphy''s laws. I always thought I was a jinx and bad luck was not only after me but also after the people I like and love. To start with, this project looked it would be cursed from the beginning. In December, I had a great friend in Istanbul who was helping me find producers and movies and materials and connections etc. You must know that no producer there speaks english. Suddenly, my friend disappeared. And after 3 months I found out he was attacked and injured by some criminals and was hiding away from Istanbul!

Now, I found a turkish guy who would do the subtitling for the movie and the 3 interviews. He already sent me the movie subs and they were EXCELLENT! And he was about to do the interviews which were supposed to be ready over a week ago. But ALAS! He has disappeared too! For the last 10 days he doesn''t reply to my emails and his phone is out of service. And he wasn''t even paid for the movie subs. I fear that he may be dead or something, maybe a coma in the best case. Now, unless he miraculously pops up with some good news and a simple explanation, I will have to search for another subtitler. And this would mean at least 2 more weeks delay. So, let''s forget April 10th. Late April looks more likely under these circumstances. SORRY!! Oh, in a couple of days the cover will be ready and it will be up here for you to check."

Looks like late April now, I'm sure it will be worth it however

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