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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

DVD Trash gets interviewed!

Fellow blogger Bella Rossa has been doing a feature called "Interview with Bloggers" and DVD Trash has made such an impression on her that I've become one of her subjects. Seriously though it's very cool to think that people out there like your blog and for someone to like it so much that they interview you is a nice compliment.

Anyway, check out the interview if you can and the interviews with the other fine bloggers out there, all very interesting reading!


  1. Nice interview, she's certianly covered a variety of bloggers, hasn't she?

  2. She has and thanks to your site she found DVD Trash! Hope your doing good!

  3. Expanding horizons one link at a time, my friend. Loved the Snakes On A Plane clip, by the way.

  4. Neato! For some reason I've always wanted to be interviewed. Probably because I'd be curious to hear which questions I got asked.
