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Friday, July 21, 2006

Shriek Show speak up about Lizard in a Woman's Skin!

Hugo from the Cinema Extreme Forums has had word from Media Blasters who were the first to bring "Lizard in a Woman's Skin" to DVD albeit in a version that not everybody was entirely happy about.

Hugo wrote:

"Hello there at Media Blasters, I don't know if the news already reached you but there's a very decent Italian print of Lizard available from Cecchi Gori. It's uncut and 1.85:1.Only downfall is the lack of an English option. Some info can be found here: If I remember correctly I read some time ago that whenever a better source would surface,Shriek Show would consider a rerelease of the movie.Provided that they can get the rights for it. I guess it was John Sirabella himself who said that. I hope you can do something with it in the (near) future? Cheers and keep putting out the great movies!


MB replied saying:

"Hi Hugo, We know about it and we knew about it some time before the release. We do plan on doing a new release of the film with this new source. We do not have a date for it yet."

This is good news and it will be nice to have an updated version with an English audio track as well.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great, but I'll believe it after I get my fixed print of Werewolf Woman from a few years back.
    I'll hope, but I won't hope too much.
