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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bava Book Nearers Completion!

Tim Lucas's long awaited opus on Mario Bava is finally nearing completion and we could be soon getting our sweaty hands upon it. Even though it's been a long wait, I'm very much looking forward to it.

More info here.

Source: Tim Lucas Video WatchBlog & Bava Book Update


  1. Is the price really going to be over 100$US for the hardcover ( Sounds a bit pricy for me. But it looks like it's gonna be interesting... Have you read the book on Bava by Troy Howarth? Is it any good?

    (off-topic: See you have one of these "Link to this page...", I put up a link to your site on my site ( would be cool if you put up mine on yours :)

  2. This is news I've been waiting to hear for a long time!! A highly anticipated book for many fans!

  3. Jon, Cheers for the link, your cool site is also now linked from DVD Trash!

    Yeah I believe the book is $100 and some people paid for it years ago, but I'm still looking forward to it.

    I've got Troy's book as well and its a great read and well worth picking up.
