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Monday, August 28, 2006

The Round Table - Week 9

Once again, DVD Trash is part of the fantastic Round Table at the Horror Blog, this weeks topic is rare cinematic gems!

Name an obscure gem which you can recommend without reservation?
DVD Trash:
Since I’m a fan of Turkish cult classics, then I can only recommend picking up the Kilink movies from Onar Films, but if you can find it, go for their recent release of 3 Mighty Men ( 3 Dev Adam), starring Captain America and El Santo, plus it also includes some (un)forgettable dialogue such as “Spider is a child-minded lunatic”. Failing that and if your after some grubby Italian sleaze then try and track down Renato Polselli’s “Rivelazioni di uno psichiatra sul mondo perverso del sesso” - a film I’ve only ever seen for sale at conventions!
Read the other horror afficionado's thoughts over at the Horror Blog!

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