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Thursday, September 21, 2006

We have a winner!

After much deliberation, DVD Trash reader, Melissa Becker from Florida, has won the DVD competition. Of course the correct answer was Yildirim Gencer, and her winning tie-break was:

"I read DVD Trash everyday because of Dr. Paul Bearer. He was the host of the Saturday afternoon movie on the grainy UHF station in Tampa when I was growing up. They were all classics like Attack of the Killer Shrews and Fist of the White Locust. My Dad and I would watch them together. I don’t have a lot of memories of my Dad before his death. But I remember those movies. I remember watching Chopping Mall and I Come in Peace (and you leave in pieces) with him. He’s not here anymore but I still love those great trashy flicks that have no higher goal than to entertain."

Well done, and the DVD's will be with you soon!

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