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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A New Toy and more DVD's added to the collection!

Got a new toy over Xmas, which was the new Core 2 Duo MacBook, a fantastic piece of kit, which I'm glad to say has made me a Mac afficionado, much to the delight of my brother who has been extolling the virtues of Macs for years!

Been trawling the January sales as well and have recently added some new (and older) titles to the collection:

-The Shawshank Redemption, 3 disc SE
-Memoirs of a Geisha
-Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
-Lady Vengeance
-Broken Flowers
-Good Night and Good Luck
-District 13
-DOA: Dead or Alive (just for the fight scenes, not Holly Valance or Sarah Carter, honest!)
-Clerks II
-So Darling, So Deadly
-Lord of War
-Venture Brothers S1
-Harvey Birdman S1
-Robot Chicken S1

Also got Iguana with the Tongue of Fire, Crank, an Evening with Kevin Smith II: Evening Harder on the way. So plenty to do until my pub is ready again!


  1. Hey Nick,

    Sorry I haven't been in touch for so long. The truth is, I've been a little busy lately and not in the best of health. Some interesting titles on your list. I hope you enjoy Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - I bought the HD DVD just after Christmas and it was easily the best recent film I saw in 2006.

    As for the Mac - glad you're happy with it, but I personally wouldn't use one even if you paid me! :D

  2. That's ok Mike, been busy with my pub and my folks have been over as well. Hope your feeling better soon, but let me know if you fancy a little movie meet-up soon?

    The Mac is great actually, you should give one a go, you won't go back to a PC!

  3. Oh, believe me, I've had more than enough experience with Macs to know that I'd never want to use one on a permanent basis. ;)

    A movie meet-up sounds like fun - I don't really have much on at the moment (no success on the job-hunting front!) so I'm certainly interested.

  4. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Are any of you folks online right now? I'm desperately searching for good advice on cult / shock - type movies. Unfortunately, I've seen them all. I'll trade great suggestions for great suggestions. Please reply ASAP, as I have to hit the sack soon - 8am Mon. workday. Thx! K.

  5. Anonymous5:47 AM


  6. Anonymous5:52 AM


  7. K,

    If you want some movie info just email me at anytime you like.


  8. Hasn't she got lovely teeth?
