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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Beatrice Cenci DVD Arrives!

This long awaited Fulci flick has finally arrived from and I thought I'd post some package shots as well as some first impressions.

It's overall a very nice package with fairly good image quality and sound, in addition to some great extras if your Italian or French is good (both French and Italian 2.0 audio is available as well as French subtitles).

The extras themselves include "La Nuit americaine du Dr. Lucio Fulci", a 31 minute interview by Antonietta de Lillo and an exclusive audio interview with Fulci that is set to extracts to some of his movies and is conducted by Gaetano Mistretta who wrote the book on Italian Horror called "Spaghetti Nightmares". The extras are rounded off with bio's and filmographies.

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