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Friday, October 12, 2007

Val Kilmer: Acting like a DIck!

Source: 42nd Street Pete

He Portrayed a Guy With a Big Dick and He turned Out to Be A real Big Dick himself

There were two big film conventions last weekend, one in Ohio, one in NJ. I was at the one in Ohio as I was hosting a Grindhouse Panel there. Lots of stories come out of these cons and you tend to ignore some because they are bullshit, but when over a dozen people tell me the same story, I would have to say its true.

It seems that fallen star, Val Kilmer was at the NJ con, ripping off the fans for autographs and photo ops. Pretty bad when you are charged $30 to take a picture with your own camera, but as long as fans "mark out" this dispicable practice will continue.

Mr. Kilmer was approched by another guest, adult film legend Seka, about having her picture taken with him. She was rudely refused by Kilmer as he supposedly said that he can't have his picture taken with a person such as yourself. The Platinum Princess reportedly ripped Kilmer a new asshole, in public.

For those who don't know, Kilmer played John Holmes, real life porn star and accessory to murder, in the film Wonderland. Kilmer, who reportedly looks like he's around 280lbs, completely disrespected Seka, who has always been a class act. Obviously his carreer is in a downhill slide as why else would he be selling autographs at a film con.

Instead of respecting the people who made him a star, he makes a nice unreported penny gouging his fans at $30 bucks a pop. Funny thing is that John Holmes was the first male superstar in porn because of having a foot long dick. Kilmer is so fat now that I doubt he even sees his dick anymore. So here, one again , life imitates art. Val played a guy with a big dick, but he was a bigger dick to his fans. Kudos to Seka for putting him in his place.


  1. Hey Guys

    Please don't believe the lies the media and mean-spirited haters say about Val. He really is a wonderful person who has been recently very kind to me - and we've not even met (as I'm from Australia but we have become friends online), therefore it is highly unlikely that he goes around being rude to people he does meet. He simply is not that kind of person.

    Here is a wonderful story I read about Val Kilmer which has far more truth, heart, and soul than some of the horrid things I've been reading about him on the Internet the last few days, so I thought I would share the link. It's not a recent story, and it's kind of long and the photos are copyright to the site, so I'll just post the link for you all. The story is all about how a fan took her six year old son, Derek, to see Val and how Val was sweet and gracious, and extremely mischievous (in a funny and sweet way). This is how I will choose to see Val in my mind.

    Here's an extract:

    ****Derek was pretty excited as you might imagine, meeting a celebrity is a big deal for adults, let alone a little boy. After stories and hugs and pictures were taken, Derek left with the biggest grin from ear to ear. He couldn't stop talking about the wonderful time he had meeting Val and finding out that the man on the screen was the nicest person. Maybe Val Kilmer is still a kid at heart himself, but what ever the reason, he loves children. I will always remember how patient he was with Derek, generous with his time, and very thoughtful to make sure a little boy had an experience he will always treasure.****

    Also, in more recent times, Val Kilmer's humanitarian work has taken on a musical direction. He is not only an excellent actor, but also a superlative singer-songwriter whose brilliant music deserves to be heard, so I hope you might be interested in helping me promote it. The proceeds from the sale of the CDs will be going to Val's charities.

    I am not only a fan of Val's, but I am also one of his worldwide Street Team members, and he has asked fans to spread the word in the media that he is working on releasing his debut album and has announcements on his Official MySpaces...

    Also, Val recently made a personal appearance at the East Coast Classic Car Association's 7th Annual Orchard Beach Car Show and the Chiller Theatre Expo, both charity events, which seek to raise money for various social, humanitarian and environmental issues. One such cause that Val has raised money for at these events (which I was unable to attend for obvious geographical reasons) is for the families of police officers who were killed in the September 11th disaster. Val is also committed to helping the Wildlife Centre through proceeds of his music.

    Also, Val is a committed member of the V-Day organisation which seeks ways to end the violence against women and girls that pervades our society.

    At these and other related events, Val Kilmer's book of original poetry "Jack's Ghandi" will be available for purchase as well as copies of his new limited edition CD which contains seven of his demo tracks produced at a higher quality than what is available for download available for purchase and all profits from both will go to charity. Val also auctioned a first edition, autographed copy of his original poetry book "My Edens After Burns" all for charity.

    Val Kilmer regularly donates his own money to these charities, so he is not simply "after fans' money to further his agenda" as people are accusing him of - he's organised a group of loyal fans who wish to contribute and do good for the world and who might not have the resources to help out in other ways, so collectively, we work together, and that is why Val asks for money - not because he needs or wants it himself, but because he knows many of us wish to help him and this is his way of enabling us to do that.

    Cheers, Michael
