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Saturday, April 04, 2009

DVD Trash Roundtable: Week 1

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Right, ok, here we go with the DVD Trash Roundtable and hopefully it will be a resounding weekly success especially with all the most excellent people that peruse this site on a daily basis! So, this is how it works, I put up a question or topic and all you have to do is contribute; it can be a little or it can be a lot it's totally up to you. I love all types of genre movies so the topics will be wide, varying from Spaghetti Westerns to Eurospy to Splatter to Eurotrash to Arthouse and beyond! So be ready! You can send your little thoughts in two ways, either email me at or simply leave a comment and I'll collate and post your answers. If you have your own site or blog then leave details of this too so I can link back to when your contributions are put on the site! Feel free to Blog, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace or whatever to anyone you think will be interested in taking part but most of all have fun!

Week 1:

" When your alone, what is your Wintry Friday Night Evening Wrapped in a Blanket Horror Movie? Basically the genre movie you curl up on the couch with!"

Try and get your replies to me by Wednesday-ish and I'll put them on the site, but latecomers are accepted though don't worry!


  1. I'm really looking forward to this! I made mention of it over at Cinebeats and hopefully it will help get the word out.

  2. Me too, hope lots of other fans like ourselves get involved! Thanks for shilling the site as well! ;)
