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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Italian Film Festival - Glasgow

Anyone interested in Italian Cinema, should note that the Italian Film Festival begins tomorrow April 17th and runs until May 27th with many interesting and involving movies being shown around the country so check out your local arty cinema and see whats on! Being from the "Boot" (© Tony Soprano) myself, I thought I'd recommend a few to check out!

19th April - GFT@3.30pm

Wild Blood, directed by Marco Tullio Giordano and Starring Monica Bellucci and Luca Zingaretti

"Wild Blood has been a labour of love for writer/director Marco Tullio Giordana (The Best Of Youth) who brings a fresh eye to bear on the passion and politics of a true life tale from the fascist era."

24th April - GFT@6.30pm

The Girl by the Lake, directed by Andrea Molaioli and Starring Toni Cervillo (Gomorrah)

"One of the finest Italian debut features in recent years, Andrea Molaioli’s The Girl by the Lake is a tense, satisfying murder mystery with a powerful central performance from Toni (The Consequences Of Love, Il Divo) Servillo that won him the Davide di Donatello prize for Best Actor and the Pasinetti Best Actor prize at Venice."

29th April - GFT@6.00pm

Her Whole Life Ahead, directed by Paolo Virzi and starring Sabrina Ferrilli and Micael Ramazzotti

"Hands down one of the best Italian comedies in recent years"


Also remember that as part of the Alida Valli season, Dario Argento's Suspiria will be shown on the 26th and 27th of May at the Glasgow Film Theatre! One not to miss!


  1. I'll certainly be attending the Suspiria screening (although I have a feeling they'll be running the new remastered version that had the contrasts pumped excessively). Maybe I'll run into you there? :)

  2. Def see you there for that, we'll sort something out and meet up?

  3. Sure! I'll maybe email you nearer the date? I notice there are two screenings, one on Tuesday 26th May and one on Wednesday 27th? Any idea which one you'll be going to?

  4. Depends of work etc, but probably the 26th as I usually take Tuesdays off, be in touch to sort it and organise tickets. You fancy any of the other movies? Girl by the lake is meant to be very good.

  5. Tuesday probably works out best for me too, as I'll be working on Wednesday and don't really fancy hanging around the city centre for three hours waiting for the film to start. As for the other films, I'm not sure at the moment, as things are pretty hectic at the moment, so I'll probably approach it on a case by case basis.
