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Friday, June 12, 2009

The Roundtable: Week 6 - Your Contributions

"What is your favourite horror/cult movie tagline?"

Joshua Lew (CinemaCafePodcast)

It's a toss up between a slew of really, well, I'll let the lines speak for themselves:

"Man is the warmest place to hide"
- The Thing (1982)

"Can a full grown woman truly love a midget?"
- Freaks (1932)

"Take the stairs. Take the stairs. For God's sake, take the stairs!!!"
- The Lift (1983)

"You have the right to remain silent. Forever."
- Maniac Cop (1988)

"Are you heterosexual?"
- Orgy of the Dead (1965)

Kingmob (Dear Bastards)

I feel that my choice may be a little obvious/easy, but the first thing that springs to mind is 1982's Pieces, if only because it sports two great taglines: You Don't Have To Go To Texas For A Chainsaw Massacre! as well as the equally awesome Pieces... It's Exactly What You Think It Is!

Plus it has that crazy gal screaming "Bastard! Bastard! Baaastard!" in one scene, which always makes me laugh.

Matthew Bradford (Double O Section)

It's not a horror movie, but I think anything directed by Ken Russell qualifies as "cult." One of my favorite taglines ever is for Russell's spy flick Billion Dollar Brain, in which Michael Caine's Harry Palmer takes on a supercomputer with the simple yet effective tagline, "Caine vs. Brain!" (The poster is actually loaded with taglines, and the other one's pretty good too: "It's taken man thousands of years to do what the brain can do in seconds... destroy the world! What are you going to do about that, Michael Caine?") For stricter horror, I'm going to go with Dracula AD 1972: "The Count is back with an eye for London's hotpants... and a taste for everything!" Both posters in question hang on my wall, as much for their taglines as for their artwork.

Louis Fowler (Damaged 2.0)

PREDATOR 2: "He's in town with a few days to kill!"

Keith Brown (Giallo Fever)

I like The Texas Chain Saw Massacre's "Who Will Survive and What Will be Left of them" and "What Happened is true. Now the motion picture that's just as real" one-two combo.

Totally untrue, of course, but it drew the audiences in.

Ian Price


Army of Darkness

Holger Haase (Hammer and Beyond)


Love means never having to say you're ugly. (Abominable Dr. Phibes)

I am ashamed to admit that I have quoted this time and again.


Invasion of the Blood Farmers: They plant the living and harvest the dead!

This is due to my love of watching schlock trailers from the 60s and 70s.

2nd runner up: Teenage Mother: Means 9 months of trouble!

Douglas Waltz (Divine Exploitation)

Probably the one I hear the most because it is one of my favorite flicks of all time;

"When there is no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the Earth" Kind of lame, but I think that line just has a lot of pop to it and sticks in your head.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed out on this one! Here are a couple of tag lines I like better than the movies themselves:

    House 2: "The Second Story."

    Empire of the Ants: "It's no picnic!"

    And of course the classic from NIGHT OF THE CREEPS: "The good news is your dates are here! The bad news is--they're dead!"

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