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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all! Thought I'd list some the new titles I've acquired either via Xmas presents or just me being good to myself! Let me know what you all got as well!


Belle de Jour
The Graduate
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
The Girlfriend Experience


An Education
Sayuri Ichijo: Following Desire (KimStim R1)
Yakuza Justice: Erotic Code of Honor (KimStim R1)
Twisted Path of Love (KimStim R1)
Naked Killer
Masura Konuma: Debauched Desires (KimStim R1)
Naked Rashomon
Blind Womans Curse
Ugetsu Monogatar/Oyu-sama (Eureka Masters of Cinema)

Plus some excellent Nikkatsu and Pink titles, Japanese only but patched with custom subs:

Beautiful Teacher in Torture Hell
Ran Masaki Double Bill (Nymphomaniac & Hip and Breast)
New Wife's Hell
Secret Chronicle: She Beast Market
White Rose Campus

Hopefully though Synapse will be putting out some excellent Nikkatsu titles this year so fans of this genre really need to support them and any other company (Pink Eiga for example) who have licensed this great genre of Asian Cinema.


  1. Blimey, that's a fir bit of wrapping paper on the floor at your house!

  2. Indeed! The unwatched pile grows!

  3. marto5:17 PM

    Hey Nick,

    Let me know how good the Metropolis transfer is.
