If you remember a little while back, I posted some information regarding some Extreme Film Research that the University of Aberystwyth were carrying out. Well they are now at the stage of doing some focus groups in Scotland with "Baise-Moi" and "House on the Edge of the Park" being the films in question.
These groups are likely to be held on 2 of the following nights from either Monday 9th, Tuesday 10th or Wednesday 11th of October at the Glasgow Film Theatre, from either 6.30-8.30pm or 7-9pm (Times TBC).
I will be attending both nights, but the organiser Melanie Selfe is still on the lookout for more volunteers to attend, particulary some female film fans, so if you are interested and can make it to Glasgow on these evenings then either contact me at dvdtrash@another.com or Melanie herself directly at mas@aber.ac.uk.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Extreme Film Research, Glasgow Focus Group
Sunday, September 24, 2006
5 Movies Hollywood should stop making!
Cracked.com have got it spot on - only hope Hollywood take notice!
1. Movies about any queen named Elizabeth
Elizabeth, Elizabeth I, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, The Queen Elizabeth, The Virgin Queen and The Queen. Why do we need so many movies about a representative figurehead who doesn't even do anything? If we really gave a shit about Queen Elizabeth, we wouldn't have fought and won the American Revolution. Enough already. Fuck.
2. Movies that are part of Zach Braff's Emo McHipster saga
How many movies do we need in which Braff plays a charmingly conflicted 20-something trying to figure out "what it all means" by staring sullenly at us from artful camera shots until he meets a girl who's vaguely "different" because she does wacky spontaneous stuff like yelling into canyons in the rain, all set to a soundtrack of last year's mainstream indie rock, which Braff clearly thinks is "edgy" despite the fact this life-changing music can probably also be found in a Toyota commercial?
3. Movies in which the lesser Wayans Brothers dress up as something they are not, such as white people or women or white women, in order to accomplish some hair-brained scheme.
These make me laugh so hard I become physically uncomfortable and if they do another—say, one in which Marlon pretends to be a hippopotamus in order to get a cheap land deal on the local zoo—I think my sternum might rip open, as it would be unable to contain the tidal waves of laughter surging from deep within my belly.
4. Movies in which an idealistic teacher must use unconventional methods (such as dancing, rapping or wearing leather jackets) to get through to violent, unruly inner-city high school students.
Do you know what would happen in the real world if Antonio Banderas rolled up on the Bronx's problem-child mafia and tried to "make a connection" by teaching them how to salsa dance? They'd rip off his fruity little dancing shoes and use them to violently break his legs.
5. Movies about animated animals, insects or any other creatures that can't actually talk.
So Ray Romano is a squirrel who has to get a bag of nuts across Mean Old Farmer Frank's wheat field so his family can eat for the winter, and he only has Ollie the Ellen DeGeneres-sounding Turtle to help him get there and they have adventures and there are hijinks and light adult humor and they form unlikely friendships and who gives a fuck? It's no wonder kids are getting dumber.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
We have a winner!
After much deliberation, DVD Trash reader, Melissa Becker from Florida, has won the DVD competition. Of course the correct answer was Yildirim Gencer, and her winning tie-break was:
"I read DVD Trash everyday because of Dr. Paul Bearer. He was the host of the Saturday afternoon movie on the grainy UHF station in Tampa when I was growing up. They were all classics like Attack of the Killer Shrews and Fist of the White Locust. My Dad and I would watch them together. I don’t have a lot of memories of my Dad before his death. But I remember those movies. I remember watching Chopping Mall and I Come in Peace (and you leave in pieces) with him. He’s not here anymore but I still love those great trashy flicks that have no higher goal than to entertain."
Well done, and the DVD's will be with you soon!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Edwige Fenech in Hostel 2!
Amazing news for fans of the Italian sex comedies of the 70' s, who can rejoice with the news that Edwige Fenech has a role in the upcoming Eli Roth movie "Hostel 2", with producer Tarantino impressing La Fenech with his knowledge of her movies. Quoted as saying that he "knows all about my films" she was only to happy to agree to the role. This will be a return to the big screen for her after many years as a producer.
Source: TgCom.it
Sunday, September 17, 2006
More Pinky Violence and Horror from Panik House
Great news from Matt Kennedy at Panik House who are teaming up with Don May Jr. at Synapse Films to release some Pinky Horror titles:
"Edogawa Ranpo Zenshu: Kyofu Kikei Ningen; aka Horror Of The Malformed Men"
This is the most notorious film in the history of Japanese cinema. It has been banned since it's release in 1969, and is the film that really cemented Teruo Ishii's reputation as a master in the art of transgressive filmmaking. All rhetoric aside, this is one of the true classics of the era.
"Kaidan Hebi-onna; aka Snake Woman's Curse"
This was the first of the Pinky Horror films released by Toei. It was helmed by master director Nobuo Nakagawa, who has been called the Japanese Hitchcock, and Akemi Negishi (Sex & Fury, Lady Snowblood) stars.
Also being released are some Pinky Violence series inlcuding:
Yoen Dokufu Den : Hannya no Ohyaku; aka Sexy Deadly Legend: Female Demon Ohyaku
Yoen Dokufu Den : Hitokiri Okatsu; aka Sexy Deadly Legend: Quickdraw Okatsu
Yoen Dokufu Den : Okatsu Kyojo Tabi; aka Sexy Deadly Legend: Okatsu's Epic Journey
Gincho Wataridori; aka Wandering Ginza Butterfly
Gincho Nagaremono Mesuneko Bakuchi; aka Wandering Ginza She-Cat Gambler
"These films are beyond legendary, and have never been released on DVD. Some English titles may change by release date, but make no mistake that these films will be presented uncut in their original form -remastered for optimal viewing and listening enjoyment.
This particular crop of films has allowed me to present two entire series (like we did with the two Inoshika Ocho films starring Reiko Ike), which was key in my decision to license them. I had chosen not to release the entire series of Girl Boss films because I felt that not all entries were as strong as Girl Boss Guerilla, but the two Butterfly films and the three Okatsu films are all really incredible movies, so it's not a case of licensing them just to release a whole series; these films rock!
Additionally, these will not be issued as box sets, but instead as individual discs (possibly at the same time) affording the option of buying all at once or one at a time as your budget dictates."
The Horror Roundtable: Week 12
Name a great late-night horror television experience you have had?
DVD Trash: "Has to be staying up on Friday nights watching Hammer classics on the BBC, which strengthened my love of horror movies when I was younger."
See the other replies over at the Roundtable!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Final Reminder for the DVD Competition - 2 days to go!
Competition Reminder!
To celebrate DVD Trash's 1st Year and nearing close to 10,000 hits on the Interweb - I've decided to put some DVD's up for grabs that can be won via a very easy competition!
Ok, the prizes on offer are a mix of the genres that make up DVD Trash and they are 3 Mighty Men from Onar Films, Gen-X Cops, Nine Deaths of the Ninja/Killpoint (Double Feature) and Dario Argento's latest, Do You Like Hitchcock?
All you need to do is answer this easy question: What is the name of the Turkish actor who plays the dastardly Kilink in the series of movies recently available from Onar Films?
In addition you must complete a quick tie-breaker: "I read DVD Trash everyday because..."
Send your answers to dvdtrash@another.com along with your name and where your from in the world.You've got lots of time as the contest will run for a month until Sunday 17th September. The correct answer and the best tie-breaker gets the DVD's.
I will need the winners postal address at the end of the competition. The DVD's are a mixture of Region 0 and Region 1. Any questions or queries, just ask!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Guest Review: So Sweet, So Perverse (Cosi Dolce, Cosi Perversa)

Kobra Zoltan (a.k.a Martin Holder) over at the European Film Review forums has made his writing debut into the world of cult film reviews and he begins with "So Sweet, So Perverse".
Enjoy and as always comments most welcome and hopefully there will be more articles and reviews on the way from Martin.
“A Sweet Kind of Perversion“
Director : Umberto Lenzi
Producers : Mino Loy, Luciano Martino
Story : Luciano Martino
Screenplay : Ernesto Gastaldi
Cinematography : Memmo (Guglielmo) Mancori
Editor : Eugenio Alabiso
Music : Riz Ortolani
Song : “Why ?“ - Vincent Edward
Cast : Carroll Baker, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Erika Blanc, Horst Frank, Helga Line.
Despite some critics dismissing this film as being “nothing special “, this is yet another example of the slick & stylish thrillers where no-one is quite what they seem or who they appear to be , churned out by director Umberto Lenzi and ably assisted by the production duo of Mino Loy & Luciano Martino.
These three consistently managed to “deliver the goods” during a period when the Giallo was enjoying both a healthy period at the cinema’s and was in it’s ascendancy , both at home in Italy and making it’s mark in the worldwide market.
So what of the film? - the film concerns Jean-Louis Trintignant, this time not paired opposite his usual female sparring partner of such films as Death Laid an Egg & With Heart in Mouth - Ewa Aulin, this time he’s playing a Parisian Industrialist and socialite - Jean Reynaud - who’s marriage to Danielle - Erika Blanc is floundering.
But then a chance sighting of a mystery woman in a lift at his Parisian apartment proves not to be so accidental (as is so often the case in these films)>
After hearing sounds in the apartment above his, which according to the concierge is supposed to be abandoned, of a woman being assaulted, he investigates and discovers that the woman that he idly caught an glimpse of in the lift, is living in the apartment, and reveals herself to be Nicole (Carroll Baker), a seemingly terrified woman who is under the thrall of a domineering and controlling boyfriend, Klaus (Horst Frank).
Here the usual role essayed by Baker in previous Lenzi outings such as Orgasmo /Paranoia (A Quiet Place to Kill) of the frightened and/or scared female victim under threat from person or persons unknown is neatly turned on it’s head, that’s the impression she’s trying to convey to both Jean and the viewer, but as we will later learn Nicole is an entirely different type of role altogether than the ones Baker normally played for Lenzi.
Following this initial meeting, Nicole & Jean embark upon a torrid relationship, but she later reveals that she was set up as bait to entice him into a trap devised by Klaus, who’s been paid $20,000 to kill Jean , but by whom ?
After this shocking revelation, Nicole phones Jean and arranges to meet him at her apartment at midnight, but it’s a trap and Klaus kills him by stabbing him to death , but then burns his body and crashes his car , making it appear that he perished in a car accident.
You’d know be forgiven for thinking that Klaus & Nicole planned this from the start? - Well you’d be wrong! - it transpires that it was Danielle and Nicole that conspired to get their hands on Jean’s money, whilst Nicole cleverly managed to get Jean to sign control of his shares in the business over to her , but she tells Danielle that she “didn’t know what she was signing , and it’s only money”
But as the full revelation of what she’s done begins to sink in, Danielle starts feeling both guilty and remorseful, but then when messages from beyond the grave and mysterious phone calls start occurring, Danielle starts doubting her own sanity.
Is Jean still alive? - are Jean & Nicole secretly plotting together to drive Danielle insane in order to get their hands on her share of the money?
The answers to these questions I’ll leave for you to discover, the only thing I will say is that it would have been a neat twist if Helga Line character had been in on it, she plays a character who has a brief fling with Jean-Louis Trintignant’s character at the start of the picture, and it hinted is attracted to both sexes, but that’s about it.
I also feel that as an actress Line was criminally under-used in the Giallo genre, and could’ve easily played a leading role that was normally given to the likes of Edwige Fenech, Rosalba Neri, Barbara Boucher, et al.
Anyone expecting any type of “perversion” hinted by the title I’m afraid will be sorely disappointed, apart from the aforementioned Line’s character of a swinger, there’s a brief cameo by Beryl Cunningham at a party hosted by Line, playing a stripper, even the supposed Lesbianism between Baker & Blanc’s character’s is more suggestion , apart from a scene with the pair of them in black underwear and “baby doll“ nightie, there’s no hint of any salaciousness .
And the overall moral of the picture? - Money doesn’t always buy you happiness and as Nicole comes to realise life can be finite and treachery and deception must be paid for, sometimes, with the ultimate price, in the end.
More Musical Gems from 7 Black Notes
Check out another great musical post over at 7 Black Notes with some unreleased Italian gems including: Knife of Ice, A Blade in the Dark & Yellow Emanuelle.
The Round Table - Week 11
"Name one horror film that you would actually like to see remade. Bonus points for naming your dream director for this fantasy remake."
DVD Trash:
"Will be shot down in flames for this I’m sure, but I’d like to see Michele Soavi redo “The Beyond” in his own unique style, given a good cast and a decent budget, I reckon he could make something quite spectacular and terrifying. The central theme of The Beyond is fantastic and I’d love to see another (good) directors take on it."
See the other viewpoints over at the HorrorRoundtable.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Morte Sospetta di una Minorenne Review on the way!
Sazuma have just sent me a review copy of "Morte Sospetta di una Minorenne" and my thoughts will be online very soon. This is due to be released on September 10th.
At a dance hall, inspector Germi flirts with a young prostitute who’s found brutally murdered only a short time later. On his manhunt for the vicious killer, he’s joined by pickpocket Giannino who gives his hands-on assist to the inspector’s unorthodox investigative methods. The bloodstained track leads cop and robber into a depraved world of white slavery, child kidnapping and corruption. Morte Sospetta di una Minorenne is by far giallo icon Sergio Martino’s (The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh, All the Colors of the Dark) wildest and most incredible film. A masterly, gripping action-thriller that spices up the poliziesco genre with elements of the giallo and a touch of cynical humour. Martino’s regular director of photography Giancarlo Ferrando once again delivers fantastic images that along with Luciano Michelini’s intoxicating music score guarantee for a great movie experience. Sazuma.com proudly presents an uncut and restored version of this long-lost masterpiece of the Italian genre cinema for the very first time worldwide. Cinema all’arrabbiata!
Special Features:
Sergio Martino’s gripping giallo/poliziesco crossover from 1975 is being released on DVD for the very first time worldwide and kicks off sazuma.com’s Italian Genre Cinema Collection.
Audio Commentary by Film Critics Christian Kessler and Robert Zion, Featurette with Director Sergio Martino, Italian Trailer.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Competition Reminder!
To celebrate DVD Trash's 1st Year and nearing close to 10,000 hits on the Interweb - I've decided to put some DVD's up for grabs that can be won via a very easy competition!
Ok, the prizes on offer are a mix of the genres that make up DVD Trash and they are 3 Mighty Men from Onar Films, Gen-X Cops, Nine Deaths of the Ninja/Killpoint (Double Feature) and Dario Argento's latest, Do You Like Hitchcock?
All you need to do is answer this easy question: What is the name of the Turkish actor who plays the dastardly Kilink in the series of movies recently available from Onar Films?
In addition you must complete a quick tie-breaker: "I read DVD Trash everyday because..."
Send your answers to dvdtrash@another.com along with your name and where your from in the world.
You've got lots of time as the contest will run for a month until Sunday 17th September. The correct answer and the best tie-breaker gets the DVD's.
I will need the winners postal address at the end of the competition. The DVD's are a mixture of Region 0 and Region 1. Any questions or queries, just ask!
Gymkata: 80's Martial Arts Trash on the way from WB!
"Johnathan Cabot is a champion gymnast. In the tiny, yet savage, country of Parmistan, there is a perfect spot for a "star wars" site. For the US to get this site, they must compete in the brutal "Game". The government calls on Cabot, the son of a former operative, to win the game. Cabot must combine his gymnastics skills of the west with fighting secrets of the east and form GYMKATA!"
Never seen this - but looks like a keeper!
Street date is January 30th 2007 - Amazon