Looking pretty good at the moment, maybe the A-Team won't suck....
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Host your own Windows 7 Torrent Party!
Very funny parody of Microsoft's "cool" Windows 7 video
Friday, October 23, 2009
Eva Amurri on Californication!
This show always demands your attention for it's smart writing and excellent performances...but now Susan Sarandon's daughter, Eva Amurri along with her amazing assets is simply smoking hot in Season 3 as one of Hank Moody's (David Duchovny) latest conquests! Hank is a lucky man! Eva Amurri, remember the name!
Monday, October 12, 2009
DVD Trash: The Interview!
Everyones ego needs stroked once in a while, so thankfully the Only Good Movies Blog has done just that with an interview with yours truly! It's very cool and informative movie site that deserves your attention, so go take a gander!
The Interview
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
DVD Review: Italian Sex (Sesso in Testa, 1974)
Italy 1974
Dir: Sergio Ammirata
Screenplay: Sergio Ammirata, Marino Onorati
Starring: Pilar Velázquez, Didi Perego, Mario Carotenuto, Toni Ucci, Lino Banfi, Sergio Ammirata
Cert: NR
Running Time: 90 minutes
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1 Letterboxed Widescreen
Audio: Dolby Digital Mono Italian
Subtitles: English
Released: Mya Communications
Region: 0 NTSC
The Movie
“The vernacchio is produced by the vibration of the tongue on the lips,” demonstrates the sweaty teacher to his (scantily-clad) student with gusto. If you thought the above referred to a lewd deed, you are symptomatic of the condition affecting most of Italian society according to this 1974 film- a dirty mind, or ‘Sex In The Head’ as the title literally translates. For the gentleman is referring to the creation of a certain type of fart noise, acceptable to be used in the presence of ladies and archbishops. The innuendo is apt: not only does it court a sex-addled imagination but the lip-smacking trumpeting could be seen as an auto-erotic substitute for an oral act of coitus. (If you think I’m delving too deep into the film’s unconscious, feel free to practice your own vernacchio now.) Italian Sex is thus a surreal exposé of the prurient psyche of modern life, the feisty fantasies and pulsing perversity that seep beneath a routine bit of how’s-yer-father. Homoeroticism, sex with nuns, incest, necrophilia; it’s all here in a film that would make Alfred Kinsey blush.
Similar to that prominent sexologist, sociology student Diana Tornetti (Velázquez) has decided to research the wanton desires of Italian men for her PhD dissertation. Her methodology is one of strenuous fieldwork, going undercover as a prostitute for three eventful months. Before she can be awarded her doctorate, she must relate her exploits to an academic board, comprised of a flustered vicar, a monocled aristocrat and one prudish woman who chokes violently at the mere mention of the word “enticement”, presided over by the great Italian smut star Lino Banfi. Consequently, her encounters are presented as episodic vignettes as if they were chapters from her thesis. Brimming with colourful characters and bawdy burlesque, Sergio Ammirata’s only film as director (with veteran Fernando Vacanze Per Un Massacro Di Leo providing uncredited ‘academic’ supervision) plays like an Italian version of a British sex romp; heck, it could be called Confessions Of A Post-Grad. Or Carry On Swotting.
Inevitably, the content of her thesis is hit and miss. Some sequences are very funny, if based around a single punch-line: a camp hotel waiter (played by Ammirata himself) only poses as a homosexual so that women will crave sex with him in order to cure him of his ‘deviance’; an impotent Mafioso, Frank, has to slap his women around to protect his macho image; and a decidedly ugly man, who looks like a cross between Frank Zappa and Bruce Forsyth, reveals only after he has had sex with our heroine that the money he proffered was a gift from her mother.
The film is at its best with scenes that rock with a dark undertow below the comic bounce of the carnal capers: a recent widower attempts to seduce Diana while his wife lies embalmed in a coffin next door- when she scarpers he looks at his ex and proclaims, “You’re ruining me even in death, huh? Go to hell twice.” This evidence leads our student to surmise that men take pleasure “to profane every sacred thing”. In another episode, what appears to be a traffic jam turns out to be a queue of men waiting to drill a nun; as she lifts her habit, Ammarita shoots through her legs capturing the look of nervous excitement on the punter’s face. Not only does this link voyeurism with forbidden privilege, but the camera position also reflects Diana’s desire to examine the world from a different angle, one that sprouts from the loins.
The licentious fantasy and libidinous technique on display is crystallised in the performance of Velázquez. Donning multi-coloured wigs and negligees like a hyperactive cabaret star, her energy and humour toward her predicaments is what gives Italian Sex its distinctive honours. As the horrified splutters of the judging panel transform into approving coos, the film itself further loosens up and plunges into manic surrealism: one of the clients is a deranged man in a Mickey Mouse jumper who, it is claimed, has wandered in from another film; Ms. Torrentini acts as a stage manager to a bizarre piece of physical theatre with thriving naked lesbians accompanied by wild animal noises, all watched by a horde of ageing critics, scrutinising the participants through opera glasses and taking detailed notes. Sex is a theatre of the absurd, full of exaggerated role-play, styled (and stylised) perversity, and performed with a cheeky self-awareness.
After Frank has executed his wife-beating charade, he looks into a mirror and blows a raspberry at his own spurious image. Likewise, Italian Sex irreverently trumps a cloud of spittle on the cultural portrait of a wholesome, chaste society. We all secretly enjoy a healthy vibration of the tongue on the lips.
The Disc
Presented in 1.85:1 letterboxed widescreen, the transfer is decent with colours bright and suggestive. Only minor pops and scratches evident from the source material. Contrast is good, with the stylish black and white décor of Diana’s apartment room looking particularly ravishing; however, some of the detail in the darker scenes is fuzzy. Audio-wise, the Dolby Digital mono mix is in Italian with removable subtitles in English. Some of these are riddled with grammatical errors, which add to the sense of chaos: “He took me in a desert place” (she’s not referring to bedding Bedouins). No extras, perhaps unsurprisingly for a release of a fairly niche title.
Reviewed by James Kloda
Monday, October 05, 2009
Too many DVD's?
An article from the Guardian by Charlie Brooker certainly struck a chord with me today as he describes that he now has too many unread books and unwatched DVD's, basically they are going to outlive him. I really do not know if I will ever get through my unwatched pile...anyway read on and see what you think!
"I'm fairly certain I recently passed a rather pathetic tipping point, and now own more unread books and unwatched DVDs than my remaining lifespan will be able to sustain. I can't possibly read all these pages, watch all these movies, before the grim reaper comes knocking. The bastard things are going to outlive me. It's not fair. They can't even breathe.... READ MORE
Thursday, October 01, 2009
DVD Competition - Win Vinyan & Just Another Love Story on DVD
Coming from Revolver Entertainment on October 5th are "Vinyan" and "Just Another Love Story"
We have 3 copies of each up for grabs, so all you have to do is send an email to dvdtrash@another.com with "DVD Competition" in the subject line to be in with a chance to win!
Vinyan (Buy now from Amazon or out in Cinemas October 2nd Nationwide in the UK)

Based on one of the biggest disasters of the century, VINYAN follows Paul (Rufus Sewell – The Illusionist) and Jeanne Belhmer (Emmanuelle Béart – 8 Femmes) who like many other parents of their time journey to Thailand in search of their son, lost during the Tsunami of 2004. Glimpsing a boy who looks like Joshua in video footage from a village of orphaned children on the Thai-Burmese border, Jeanne becomes convinced that her son was kidnapped by traffickers.
Unwilling to shatter his wife’s last hope, Paul remains sceptical as she throws their money at a sinister smuggler who promises to take them by boat into pirate-infested waters to find their son. As they continue their quest through the dark jungle, the traumatized couple is pulled into a primeval hell created by their own obsessions and mutual desperation for some sense of closure.
Vinyan is a stylized, intense journey through the emotional pain of losing a child set against the visual vibrancy of the Thai jungle. The feature is written and directed by Fabrice Du Welz (Calvaire). Vinyan is a Michael Gentile and Film 4 production in association with Wild Bunch and Backup Films.
Just Another Love Story (Buy now from Amazon)

Bornedal’s signature style, combining stark realism with surreal violence, stars ANDERS W. BERTHELSEN, REBECKA HEMSE and NIKOLAJ LIE KAAS (Angels and Demons). In this jaw‐dropping thriller, Jonas (BERTHELESEN) is restless living his own suburban fairy tale life, only to find an escape from the trap of routine in the most unlikely of places. But when the past catches up with him he is utterly unprepared for the horrifying consequences. Like Hitchcock meets WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING, with gruesome results.